The benefits of baby massage

Do you know all the benefits of massage for babies ? A true tradition in Africa and Asia, baby massage - although proven - still does not find its place in the mores of our society. However, it is thanks to this first contact after childbirth that each mother or father has the chance to create a new, special and long-lasting relationship with their newborn...
But why massage your baby? What are the benefits?

In this article, we present to you our Multi-care Oil, an ideal oil for giving your baby a massage!

Well-being and parental bond

The objective of a massage with your baby is to share a special moment with your child. This, of course, by combining well-being and relaxation. Infant massage, carried out in good conditions, helps stimulate the production of oxytocin. A hormone also called attachment or pleasure hormone. Yes yes, it is this same hormone that allowed mother to soothe her anxieties during pregnancy, to sleep better, and to correctly assimilate nutrients for the good development of the baby when he was in her womb. It is also this hormone that helps mom during her uterine contractions to be in a euphoric state to help her get the baby out.

Oxytocin is then in full action from conception until the baby is born!

Moment of sharing with baby during a massage

Exchange through touch is the first mode of communication that can be developed with baby and shows him that his parents are listening to his behavior.

But the relational aspect is not the only advantage of this practice. Infant massage also contributes to the good development and well-being of the child.

Physical benefits

Improved sleep

One of the first signs of the physical benefits of infant massage is sleep. During massage, the baby's body secretes a higher level of melatonin. Otherwise called the sleep hormone, melatonin allows babies to regulate their biological clock and find their own sleep rhythm... which also improves the quality of mom and dad's nights more quickly!

In addition, baby is more relaxed, serene and will therefore feel less stress and frustration. After the massage, baby feels more soothed and calmer

Soothe everyday ailments

Did you know that according to a study by Hyman PE in 2006 “50 to 90% of infants aged 2 to 4 months” have digestive problems? Massage on baby's stomach promotes intestinal transit. In fact, it helps to soothe baby's ailments such as constipation, gas or colic.

Baby massage also improves the physical development of the child. It allows baby to discover his body and develop his positions from fetal, to sitting, then standing.

It should be noted that massage allows the oxygenation of tissues and muscles since it loosens them. Baby's muscular tensions are eased. Also, it promotes the transport of oxygen and the maintenance of body temperature thanks to the movements carried out which help blood circulation.

Body awareness

Becoming aware of your body, its movements, is what we call kinesthesia, and this is exactly what happens to baby during massages!

Baby's receptors send a message to the brain "and oh, those are your little feet you feel moving there!!" ". Baby will then gradually become aware of his physical presence in the world around him. Its motor qualities are increased tenfold; little by little he improves his agility, coordination and balance.

There are several types of massage to practice baby massage .

Relieve itching and nourish the skin with baby massage

Despite the beautiful expression “soft as a baby's skin”, baby's skin is above all very fragile and requires a lot of attention! Easily confronted with external aggressions, baby's skin lets too much water evaporate. It then dries out quickly. On average, 60% of infants in France have dry skin and 20% develop atopic dermatitis. Baby's fragile skin can become a real burden in their life when it allows patches of eczema, redness, spots, cradle cap, etc. to take hold.

This is where massage comes in!

By regularly massaging the Multi-care Oil from the DERMABébé range, baby's skin barrier is repaired, redness disappears and skin hydration is optimized.

baby belly massage oil

Multi-care oil



Baby, in addition to having fun with mom or dad, finds soothed and nourished skin.

This oil is certified ORGANIC and contains 100% ingredients of natural origin.

Clinical results of DERMABébé multi-care oil from Laboratoires Téane after 28 days of application:

- Soothes feelings of discomfort 90%
- Long-lasting hydration + 63%
- Reduction in eczema patches 75%

Other benefits of baby massage

Baby massage also has other benefits such as:
- Reduces certain pains such as teething
- massage is beneficial for weight gain
- Stimulate the immune system and the nervous system

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