Pregnancy advice month by month: 2 months of pregnancy

That's it, you are 2 months pregnant and you have finally realized that you are indeed pregnant! The second month of pregnancy occurs from the fifth to the eighth week of pregnancy (SG), or from the seventh to the tenth week of amenorrhea (SA). The second month of pregnancy is also when all the questions arise! Bodily changes, life changes, childbirth, education, organization, preparation of the house, etc. Pregnancy is not easy for the mind. Surround yourself with caring people and put things into perspective, everything will be fine. In this article, we take the opportunity to present our First Treatment Stretch Mark Cream, the ideal cream to prevent stretch marks. Find our collection of anti-stretch mark products on our website.

Summary :

  • Important events of the 2nd month of pregnancy
  • What body changes for the mother-to-be during the 2nd month of pregnancy?
  • The anti-stretch mark routine at 2 months of pregnancy
  • Baby development during the second month of pregnancy

Important events of the 2nd month of pregnancy

What exams during the 2nd month of pregnancy?

If you have not yet had your first mandatory prenatal appointment which we told you about in our “Monitoring the first month of pregnancy", you will need to do so during the 2nd month of pregnancy . As a reminder, this first appointment is to be done before the end of the third month. It is one of the 7 mandatory procedures during pregnancy . Once your baby arrives, you will still have one post-natal visit to complete.

The 7 mandatory prenatal visits and the postnatal visit are 100% reimbursed by Social Security .

During this first appointment, the person who will follow you during the pregnancy will check a few important points:

  • Do the first ultrasound of the three obligatory ones, we tell you about it in more detail in our Monitoring the third month of pregnancy
  • Check some technical aspects (blood pressure, weighing, breast examination and perhaps a vaginal exam, which is not obligatory, you can also refuse them throughout your pregnancy!)
  • Control your immunity to toxoplasmosis. If you are not immunized you will need to be checked every month. Toxoplasmosis is a mild illness but can have serious effects on pregnant women.
  • Determination of blood group (in case of first pregnancy)
  • Testing for certain diseases (hepatitis B, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, etc.)
  • Smear, if you are not up to date

The specialist may prescribe vitamins (especially B9, folic acid), iron or magnesium to promote the proper development of the embryo.

As a reminder, following this meeting he will give you a document which includes three parts: two are to be sent to the CAF (or the MSA) and the other to your health insurance fund. These documents will allow you to access your rights to maternity leave but also to the birth bonus if your income allows it.

This is also the time for you to address subjects that concern you, such as the course of the birth, what births are possible, the appointments that you can make in addition to those which are obligatory.

When to choose your maternity ward and your childcare method during pregnancy?

The answer is... as soon as possible ! Especially if you live in a big city. In Paris, to name just this city, some women call the maternity ward of their dreams with the test just taken in their hands!

Rest assured, you will eventually find a place that suits you to experience this magical moment!

You can also start looking for the childcare option that suits you the most. Company nursery, micro-crèche, childminder, MAM (Maternal Assistant House), etc. If you find a structure that suits you, do not hesitate to start making your file to be sure that your little one is looked after upon your respective return to work.

These products might interest you for your second month

anti stretch mark cream

First Treatment Stretch Mark Cream


anti stretch mark oil

Generous Soothing Oil



What are the body changes for the mother-to-be at 2 months of pregnancy?

The inconveniences and symptoms of pregnancy at 2 months of pregnancy

Still no respite for the mother-to-be during her second month of pregnancy, even if for some it's dead calm! The HCG hormone, which confirmed the pregnancy, reaches its maximum and causes you some minor problems: morning sickness, fatigue and pain are part of your daily life. Although all these pains can be unpleasant, they bring good news: your baby has settled in well and continues to find his place and grow! To avoid nausea , or at least reduce it, you can try drinking a glass of water before getting up or having breakfast in bed.

You may also experience heartburn or bloating and your mood may be somewhat… changeable!

You may also have a feeling of heaviness at the end of the day, especially in your legs. This phenomenon can be explained because your venous circulation has more difficulty, especially if you have problems in this area.

It is often said that pregnancy is not an illness and it is true! However, if you feel tired, your breathing is slower or your heart rate is racing quickly, rest ! You are creating life and it is not easy for your body.

If you have the slightest doubt, do not hesitate to consult your doctor or midwife, and above all do not practice self-medication ! Before taking any medication, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice and read the instructions carefully. Some medications are not allowed during pregnancy while others are recommended.

What to eat during pregnancy?

In terms of diet during pregnancy , continue to eat fresh and rich foods ! Make balanced meals with starches, proteins and vegetables! The richer and more varied your meals are, the less you will want to indulge in sweets which, although very good, will not bring you anything nutritionally. Your baby needs a good supply of vitamins, minerals and proteins to develop.

Remember to cook your meat well and wash your fruits and vegetables well to avoid any risk of contamination.

Also drink plenty of water , at least 1.5 liters per day to relieve your bloating and avoid urinary infections.

Keep moving but gently! A little walking, yoga or swimming will do you a world of good.

If you are prone to nausea every day, you may lose some weight early in your pregnancy. You can consult your doctor to discuss it but don't worry, once the first trimester is over, your weight will go back up. The medical profession announces 1 kilo per month , but everyone has their own body and their own weight gain, don't think about it!

Body changes at 2 months of pregnancy

At 2 months pregnant your belly is a little round but not really because baby is taking up space... It's more the bloating, aerophagia and constipation which mean that it will be much more tense than usual! You will see your waist thicken a little and your breasts swell.

Don't wait until the end of your pregnancy to buy bras in your size. Good breast support is very important , especially during pregnancy when the chest can be painful. Lingerie suitable for pregnancy is generally made from soft materials and without underwire, it is very pleasant. Most of the time, it is also compatible with breastfeeding ! If you want to breastfeed, that's perfect!

During the second month, and even until the end of your pregnancy, you may have more white discharge than usual. This is a normal process that aims to cleanse the body, don't worry! Your estrogen levels increase and it thickens the vaginal lining. When the vaginal mucosa cleans itself, it will have more cells to eliminate, hence the more abundant quantity of white discharge.

On the other hand, if this discharge is accompanied by itching , burning or is odorous, you may have a fungus or infection. In this case, consider consulting your doctor.

The risk of miscarriage remains high until the end of the first trimester. Monitor your blood loss carefully. If they are accompanied by severe pain or if they are abundant, do not take any risks and go to the emergency room.

The anti-stretch mark routine at 2 months of pregnancy

Even at 2 months pregnant , it is very important to apply an anti-stretch mark cream ! The organic Anti-Stretch Mark First Treatment Cream from Laboratoires Téane is ideal. It acts on skin disorders due to hormones and stimulates the production of collagen. It protects elastin fibers while hydrating the skin. This cream is to be applied morning and evening during the first trimester. When you apply it, make circular movements on the skin until completely absorbed!

88% of women who used the stretch mark prevention program from Laboratoires Téane did not have stretch marks.

Baby development during the second month of pregnancy

During this time, your baby continues to develop and it's not easy for him either! His nervous system, lungs, liver, stomach, spine and kidneys are forming. His first muscles also begin to appear, his fingers and toes become individualized, and he makes his first reflex movements . Its sensory organs (ears, tip of the nose, optic nerve) are visible during the first ultrasound. Tooth buds also appear during the second month.

Although sex is not yet detectable on ultrasound , it is already determined genetically. Go to the second ultrasound during the second trimester to find out!

His heart continues to grow and splits into two parts (right atrium and left atrium). You can even hear it beating thanks to a Doppler. At the end of the 2nd month, baby measures approximately 3 cm and weighs between 2 and 3 g . He looks like a miniature version of a baby!

At the end of this month of pregnancy, we will be talking about a fetus and no longer an embryo!

Find now our article on the 3rd month of pregnancy .

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